Thursday, May 22, 2008

Another Giveaway I Found...

Go here...handcrafted goodies...enter contest for giveaway...completely cute...go now...

1 comment:

kat449 said...

Thank you so much for posting my giveaway, & how kind of you to ask, but I did invite anyone who did this to do so and to express my appreciation, theyd be entered 3 you are now! :)
I am just oozing with excitement to have met so many phenomenal women as yourself & countless others, just because of a giveaway.
This has just wet my palette so to speak,(excuse the pun) to have more frequent giveaways.
I am having fun checking out so many new blogs, yours is delightful, I will be back....often. The coffees always on at mine...embrace your gifts in today. Be blessed, Kat