Saturday, June 13, 2009

Good Reading

It has been over nine years since I read a book and underlined words, sentences and whole passages--drew in little asterisks, emphasizing that this is a smidge more meaningful to me. This is important. That was mainly for writing papers, now it's for the sheer pleasure of the words, for the emotion, the reaction it produces in me. I imagine that was true nine years ago as well.

I'm in a thoughtful place right now. Today. I suppose that has a lot to do with it. But I have stumbled across a beautiful book and want to share it, because it's nice when these things just happen. I dare say, coincidence. That it was just what I needed right now. But if you are a reader of good words, this is a good choice.

Granted, I was in dire need of a good book. I just finished two books in a series (not Twilight), that I won't mention, but I did finish both books (they were gifts), because that's what I do. I don't know if it's just me, or training from school, but I rarely can start a book and not finish it. And I will give the (not mentioned) author credit that 200 pages into the second book, I was on the verge of caring about the characters and what would happen. But as soon as I read the last page, those books were all but forgotten (until blogging about it).

Thank goodness I found, Love Begins in Winter, by Simon Van Booy. I haven't read anything by him before. The title pulled me in. I'm a romantic, what can I say? I read the first couple of pages and knew there was something there for me.

The title did not let me down. It is romantic. That almost doesn't sum it up for me. I'm not even finished with the first story and I couldn't wait to get on here and pass this on for those of you that love the books.

It's a book of five stories. I am 61 pages into the first one. It's about two strangers that literally run into each other on the street, instantly connected, both feeling as if they've been in love with one another all their lives. In their histories, there is a great loss that they both bring, a sadness, that also connects them. The beauty of this is that so much isn't even said, it is just a deep knowing between them. The details are so good though. These very real thoughts and small words. Looks. A sigh. A hand touching another hand.

On page 46, I started underlining, "Grief is sometimes a quiet but obsessive madness. Coincidences are something too great to ignore." I wouldn't be able to explain this to you well on where it took me, but I think we find our very own interpretation regardless. I just had to reread that one several times. What can I say? I agree.

Another good one for me came on page 49, "And there is no such thing as fate, but there are no accidents either." Yes. This will stay with me.

There was more underlining in between, but on page 53, I gave a sentence two asterisks--"Every moment is the paradox of now or never." That is a huge statement to me today. Tomorrow it may not be. It seems only days ago, I could read it and it maybe not mean as much. But you can see a theme here. Fate, or lack there of. Coincidence. Moments.

I want to share all the words that I physically felt as I read this story, but I won't. It would say too much. I think a lot of what is said in this story is deeply true and intimate. Heartbreaking. Lovely. It's a love story, after all. Even though I am still reading the first of five stories in this book, I have to say--well done.


Dee said...

Sending a hug to you.

Bendorf said...

"Every moment is the paradox of now or never" -- I love that.

One of my best friends (at read another book by him, The Secret Lives of People in Love, and I've been meaning to read it, too.