Saturday, June 21, 2008

Everybody Loves A Good Contest

Okay, head on over here-- Six Weeks of Summer! -- right this minute! Now, I hate the fact that I must tell you this, cuz it lowers my chance of winning and I need this. My back yard needs this. My girlies need this. I would be the "cool mom" and I so want to be the cool mom in the neighborhood.

But to enter this contest I gotsta tell you about this too. See that awesome little pink, square button over there on the left side of the screen? It's kinda saucy looking? Very inviting, isn't it? You can click on that too. That'll take you there as well, cuz you're gonna want to know about that little secret. And then you can get your own little pink, square, saucy button for you own blog. Your blog will thank you.

Now go. :)


S Club Mama said...

you are just too sweet! I love your comments & this is not the first time I've come across your blog - I love it!

Tiffany said...

You are entered my dear! Great post!

John Deere Mom said...

How awesome is that giveaway?!

Candid Carrie said...

Nice job on the post, may the victory be yours!

Staci said...

i just LOVE sits!!! thanks for the comments!!!

Mommy Meryl said...

Too funny!!! My hubby watched Camp Rock too. . .we had a bunch of my daughter's friends and their moms over on Friday night for the big Camp Rock party and my husband decided to stay at his office later to get some work done (and probably avoid the overflow of estrogen and googling over the Jonas Brothers - c'mon, you gotta admit - Nick is pretty cute. ..)and wouldn't you know it, he called at just the precise moment it was over to say he was on his way home. He told me he had it on in the background at work so he knew what in the world Allie would be talking about the next day. Although I did quiety remind him we had it on our DVR and didn't he know she would probably watch it 9000 times again by Monday morning!