In an effort to not talk about everything I actually want to talk about, I would like to share a story from the lighter side of things...
Do you ever have one of those nights, where you fall asleep and you wake up and you've only been asleep like ten minutes, but it feels like you slept ten hours and you could seriously get up and start your day...if it wasn't 1:00 a.m.? We totally had one of those nights this weekend. And when I say "we," I mean my entire family--don't even try to leave the dog and cat out of this one.
First of all, I blame my sister. She got me into this whole Twilight bit and basically until I finish all the books (I have one left), sleep is like so not important, even though it really, really is (my hubbs and kiddos will vouch for that). So I read in bed. It settles me. I am good about falling asleep with the light on, book outstretched on my forearm, two pages into it. Except, not lately. Not for like the last three books I've been reading--all in the Twilight series. Nope. See, I've fallen for a vampire and possibly a werewolf. It's a complicated thing. And now that I type that out, I realize this should probably fall under the "stuff" I was referring to in the first paragraph, that I should probably not share with the world. Too late.
My bedtime has been pushed back considerably. So a couple of nights ago I'm reading, I glance at the clock. It's like 12:50 a.m. Shortly after, I finally doze off. Ten minutes later, I'm up again. Wide awake. Ready to start my day. What the? I roll over onto my side and realize, we've added another body to the bed--my five-year-old. What the?
I stare at her, jealous of her immediate and easy sleep. Hubby too. I realize the cat and dog are enjoying a restful night as well. After about twenty minutes, I realize I am not going back to sleep anytime soon. I stare at the ceiling. In my head I'm blogging, planning dinner, singing a Kanye West song...what the?
I need to read. But baby girl is there. An eternity later (30 minutes), I turn on the lamp on my nightstand. She doesn't budge. The dog gives me a disapproving groan. I start reading...maybe a minute later, in walks my 7-yr-old. What the? She can't sleep. I turn off the light. There are way too many arms and legs in the bed now. Everyone is fidgeting and slapping each other in the head, in a disoriented kind of way. This is insane. So I get up. Grab my book, water, and pillow and head on over to my 5-yr-old's room. I just need to read and pass out. As soon as I go in there, in she walks, pillow under arm and climbs into her bed. She's out like a light. Okaaaay...
I head on over to my 7-yr-old's room. Sure enough, in she strolls. She climbs into her bed, complaining about not being able to sleep. Yeeeeah...
I head back to my bed. I hear shuffling. No. Here comes big girl. She wants to come back. Grrrr...I suggest hubby go lay down with her until she goes back to sleep. He agrees and heads over. Boy can sleep anywhere, fast. No prob. I'm getting settled again and in walks little girl. No. What the heck is going on here? I let little girl come back in my bed. Then the dog starts shaking her head...her sign that she needs to go out. She is obviously confused. So I take her down. What else do I have to do? Out she goes. In she comes. Then she decides to eat. What the? Then hubby comes down. We let the dog back out. Yeah. Then we start laughing about the situation. It's like 3:00 a.m. now. We're in the kitchen. Laughing. We joke about songs we have in our heads. Of course, I've got Kanye West rolling through (How could you be so Dr. Evil?...) and Hubbs has Living On a Prayer going on in his. That's pretty funny at 3:00 a.m. I don't care what they say.
We bring the dog in, head on back to bed and somehow, by the grace of the Lord above, we all fall back to sleep. Until the cat bites me. What the?

Oh no!!! What a lot of coming and going!!! A girl needs to read in peace now and then!
Mummy--I know!! Even IF it's 3:00 a.m.! ;D
oh Sunshine, what a wicked long night to endure... I got exhausted just reading about it!
((Cookie!!)) When you say "exhausted," do you mean BORED OUT OF YOUR MIND?! Ha ha...
I needs to head over to "your place"! Get my Cookie-fix! ;D
Thats one crazy night. Was one of the girls sleep walking?
Oh man, I thought I replied to this. I know I read it the other day. Maybe I dreamt it. ;)
oh. Edward Cullen. the fever is still on going. :]]
i used to be captivated with the first book too. but the feeling disintegrated from the second book down to the fourth.
Dee--I don't know if the girls were sleepwalking, but I'm pretty sure I was. :)
Rena--Maybe my blog posts just read like the same thing every single time...Ha. Let that be a lesson to me. :)
hrix--thanks for stopping by. :) Yes, I'm a late Twilight bloomer. And have managed to keep the love going all the way through. I'm on the fourth book now and reading extra, extra slow. Savoring.
#1 I am SO like that when it comes to reading. I get hooked...into entire serieses (yeah, I know, but I have to say it like that)...and who cares if I'm going to be W A S T E D tomorrow. Only difference for me: no werewolves or vampires.
#2 I am SOOO impressed that you and hubbs can stand around laughing about it all at 3AM. That's so foreign to me. *I* am the sort to find humor...but I can't picture a man standing there laughing too. I can picture one slamming the fridge so hard the shelves inside break, but not laughing so much. ;) It's awesome!
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